Mark Powell
Stepping Back To Grow
Disruption by definition involves moving sideways, back, or down, with all the negative connotations that conjures, in order to move forward. Mark Powell only sees these steps as a positive. Starting on the ‘dark’ side as a Commercial Accountant, Mark has transformed through many different roles and is currently the Sales Director of one of Australia’s leading companies – Lion Beer. One for those who don’t believe in the linear approach.
We used to have a strategy on a page for each of the functional areas – one for the overall business and one for each of the functional areas. And then a few years ago, we actually combined the sales and marketing world. We said let’s have the same goals, targets and measures and that led to really good alignment and then we signed up to similar bonus objectives as well. We also have a lot of people that switch in between Sales and Marketing now as well. The more you can understand each other’s roles, the better you can work out what areas overlap and where we can get really good alignment from.”
Mark Powell
So many great takeaways from this conversation. Listen to the episode in the player below, or download and enjoy it on iTunes. If you’re so inclined, please leave us a review!
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